Name |
Jen-Hwa Hsu |
Title |
Professor |
Education |
Ph. D., The Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A(1980) |
Office |
Tel |
E-mail |
jhhsu@phys.ntu.edu.tw |
Web |
Research |
1.Develop and fabricate various novel artificial magnetic systems in order to investigate the unique magnetic phenomena and understand their underlying magnetic mechanism. These sample systems includes:
(A) nanostructured films
(B) multilayer films as well as patterned films
(C) GMR and TMR junctions
(D) nanowired structured samples
2.Develop new magnetic storage techniques and their related magnetic media.
(A) Perpendicular magnetic recording : FePt and CoPt media
(B) Pattern medium
3.Develop high Ku materials with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.
4.Research on nano-ferrite and thin films with the applications in the microwave range
5.Reseach in spintronics and its potential applications especailly in MRAM.
(A) Current-driven switching and microwave generator
(B) Spin Hall effect
Patent( granted):
1.製備L10合金薄膜的方法 專利號碼:發明第 I 274788號 2007/03/01, Taiwan
2.可調整式磁記錄媒體及其製作方法專利號碼:發明第 I 312151號 2009/07/11, Taiwan
5.金的序化方法及其垂直記錄媒體的製作方法申請專利號碼:發明第 I 400698號 2013/07/01, Taiwan
6.MAGNETIC MATERIAL專利號碼:US第8491730B2號 2013/07/23, USA
7.具奈米級釘札效應的磁性材料專利號碼:發明第 I 421353號 2014/01/01, Taiwan
8.資料儲存裝置及其儲存方法專利號碼:發明 第 ?號 2014/03/18, Taiwan
Patent( pending):
1.可三維平面磁傳感器 申請案號:101124979號 2012/07/11, Taiwan
2.可三維平面磁傳感器 申請案號:13/597,505號 2012/08/29, USA
3.可三維平面磁傳感器 申請案號:10 2013 011 388.1 2013/07/09, Germany
4.可三維平面磁傳感器 申請案號:201210242300.1 2012/07/13, China
5.磁場感測裝置 申請案號:102143500號 2013/11/28, Taiwan |
Selected Publications |
- Fu-Te Yuan, An-Cheng Sun, C. F. Huang, and Jen-Hwa Hsu, 2014 “Intra-grain perpendicular percolated L11 CoPt thin films,” Nanotechonology, in press (2014).
- Chau-Yi Tsai, P. Saravanan, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, C-Y. Kuo, and K-F. Lin, 2014, “A comparative study on the PMA behavior of 5-nm thick Co49Pt51films grown at room temperature and at high temperature on glass substrates,” J. Magn. Magn. 361, 7-11 (2014).
- C. Y. Tsai, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, P. Saravanan, and K. F. Lin, 2014 “Study on the occurrence of spontaneously established perpendicular exchange bias in Co49Pt51/IrMn bilayers,” J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17D726 (2014).
- Chuan-Fa Huang, An-Cheng Sun*, Hsian-Yuan Wu, Fe-Te Yuan, and Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2014, “Sputtering perpendicular magnetic anisotropy CoPt thin film on glass substrate at room temperature,” J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17C118 (2014).
- P. Saravanan*, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, D. Sivaprahasam and S.V. Kamat, 2013, “Structural and magnetic properties of gamma-Fe2O3 nanostructured compacts processed by spark plasma sintering,” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 346, 175-177 (2013).
- P. Saravanan, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, and S.V. Kamat, 2013, “Granular films of Fe/Sm-Co magnetic nanocomposites through spin-assisted layer-by-layer deposition,” J. Nanoparticle Research, 15(12), 1-8 (2013).
- Jen-Hwa Hsu, An-Cheng Sun, and Puneet Sharma*, 2013, “Lateral grain size effect on exchange bias in polycrystalline NiFe/FeMn bilayers,” Thin Solid Film, 542, 87-90 (2013).
- Yi-Hung Lin, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, F. T. Yuan, P. C. Kuo and J. K. Mei, 2013 “Microstructure and magnetic performance of perpendicularly magnetic anisotropic Fe3Pt/Fe2Pt/FePt/MgO(001) graded films,” IEEE. Trans. Magn. 49(7), 3679-3682 (2013).
- P. Saravanan*, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, G.L.N. Reddy, Sanjiv Kumar and S.V. Kamat, 2013 “Annealing induced compositional changes in SmCo5/Fe/SmCo5 exchange spring trilayers and its impact on magnetic properties,” J. Alloys and Compd. 574, 191-195 (2013).
- F. T. Yuan, C. Y. Tsai, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, K. F. Lin, and J. K. Mei, 2013, “Ta/NiFe/FeMn Thin Films with Enhanced Exchange Bias Prepared at Room Temperature by Rotational Deposition,” Thin Solid Film, 536, 244-248 (2013).
- P. Saravanan*, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, Anabil Gayen, Akhilesh K Singh, A Perumal, G L N Reddy, Sanjiv Kumar and S V Kamat, 2013, “Effect of Fe Layer thickness and Fe/Co intermixing on the magnetic properties of Sm-Co/Fe bilayer exchange-spring magnets,” J. Phys. D: Applied Phys. 46, 155002 (2013).
- An-Cheng Sun*, Chung-Fa Huang, F. T. Yuan and Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2013, “Microstructures and magnetic properties of L11 CoPt thn films with additions of SiO2 and MgO,” Thin Solid Film, 531, 476-480 (2013).
- Y. N. Han, F. T. Yuan, Y. H. Lin, Jen-Hwa Hsu* and J. K. Mei, 2012, “Control of surface morphology and magnetic properties by ion bombardment in FePt thin films,” IEEE. Trans. Magn. 48(11), 3158 (2012).
- F. T. Yuan, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, A. C. Sun*, S. N. Hsiao, and H. Y. Lee, 2012, “Low-temperature ordering of FePt thin films induced by glow-discharge ion bombardment,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 092406 (2012).
- F. T. Yuan, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, A. C. Sun*, S. N. Hsiao, and H. Y. Lee, 2012, “Low-temperature ordering of FePt thin films induced by glow-discharge ion bombardment,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 092406 (2012).
- Fu-Te Yuan, Yi-Hung Lin, J. K. Mei, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, and P. C. Kuo, 2012, “Structure and magnetic properties of FePt(001) graded films deposited on glass substrates,” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07B715 (2012).
- Fu-Te Yuan, Yi-Hung Lin, J. K. Mei, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, and P. C. Kuo, 2012, “ Effect of thickness of MgO, Co-Fe-B, and Ta layers on perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of [Ta/Co60Fe20B20/MgO]5 multilayered films,” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07C111 (2012).
- Fu-Te Yuan, Long-Jie Lee, Jen-Hwa Hsu, S. N. Hsiao, H. Y. Lee, H. C. Lu, S. F. Wang, C. Y. Shen, and An-Cheng Sun*, 2012, “Fabrication of L11 Co-Pt-Cu perpendicular anisotropic films with enhanced coercivity on glass substrate,” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A706 (2012).
- Atul Thakur, Preeti Thakur, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2012, “Magnetic behaviour of Ni0.4Zn0.6Co0.1Fe1.9O4 spinel nano-ferrite,” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A305 (2012).
- Fu-Te Yuan, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, Yi-Hung Lin, S. N. Hsiao, and H. Y. Lee, 2012 “Structural studies of high-Ku metastable CoPt thin films with long-range order,” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A303 (2012).
- J. K. Mei, F. T. Yuan, W. M. Liao, Y. D. Yao, H. M. Lin, J. H. Hsu, and H. Y. Lee, 2011, “Rapid Thermal Annealing Induced Metastable Phase in FePt Thin Films,” IEEE. Trans. Magn. 47, 3629 (2011).
- Atul Thakur, Preeti Thakur, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2011, “Enhancement in Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of In3+ Substituted Ni-Zn Nano-Ferrites by Coprecipitation Method,” IEEE. Trans. Magn. 47, 4336 (2011).
- S. Narendra Babu, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, Y. S. Chen, and J. G. Lin, 2011 “Magnetoelectric studies on novel lead-free multiferroic NiFe2O4-Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 composites,” J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07D904 (2011).
- Fu-Te Yuan, An-Cheng Sun, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, C. S. Tan, P. C. Kuo, W. M. Liao, and H. Y. Lee, 2011 “Coercivity enhancement in L11 Co50-xCuxPt50 thin films,” J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07B714 (2011).
- Fu-Te Yuan, An-Cheng Sun*, Jen-Hwa Hsu, W. M. Liao, and H. Y. Lee, 2011 “Low temperature growth of FePt and CoPt films on MgO(111) substrate", J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07B743 (2011).
- J. K. Mei, Fu-Te Yuan*, W. M. Liao, Y. D. Yao*, H. M. Lin, H. Y. Lee, and Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2011 “Effect of initial stress/strain state on formation of (001) preferred orientation in FePt thin film,” J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07A737 (2011).
- Fu-Te Yuan*, Y. D. Yao, S. F. Lee, and Jen-Hwa Hsu, 2011, “Coercive mechanism and training effect in FeAu/NiFe bilayer films,” J. Appl. Phys. 109, 07E148 (2011).
- Atul Thakur, Preeti Thakur, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2011 “Smart magnetodielectric nano-materials for the very high frequency applications,” J. Alloys and Compd. 509, 5315 (2011).
- Atul Thakur, Preeti Thakur, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2011 “Novel magnetodielectric nano-materials with matching permeability and permittivity for the very high frequency applications,” Scripita Materillia, 64, 205 (2011).
- Fu-Te Yuan, An-Cheng Sun, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, C. S. Tan, P. C. Kuo, W. M. Liao, and H. Y. Lee, 2010, “Enhancement of perpendicular coercivity in L11 CoPt thin films by replacement of Co with Cu,” J. Appl. Phys. 108, 113909 (2010).
- S. Narendra Babu, Jen-Hwa Hsu*, Y, S, Chen, and J. G. Lin, 2010 “Dielectric, magnetic and magnetoelectric properties of multiferroic BiFe0.5Cr0.5O3-NiFe2O4 composites,” J. Appl. Phys. 107, 09D919 (2010).
- F. T. Yuan, A. C. Sun, and Jen-Hwa Hsu*, 2010 “Effect of underlayer (Pt, Ru, Au, and Ag) on L11 ordering in sputtered CoPt thin films,” Scripta Materillia, 62, 762 (2010).