Name |
Guin-Dar Lin |
Title |
Associate Professor |
Education |
Ph.D. University of Michigan(2010) |
Office |
508 |
Tel |
02-3366-9614 |
E-mail |
guindarl@phys.ntu.edu.tw ; guindar.lin@gmail.com |
Web |
https://sites.google.com/view/gdlinamo |
Experiences |
- Director, Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Laboratory, Hon Hai Research Institute, 2021-present
- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Harvard Physics Department, 2010-2013
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Connecticut, 2010-2012
- PhD, University of Michigan, 2004-2010
- MS, National Taiwan University, 1998-2000
- BS, National Taiwan University, 1994-1998
Research |
- Theoretical quantum optics
- Quantum computing and simulation with trapped ions, neutral atoms, and superconducting qubits
- Light-matter interaction and cooperative phenomena
Selected Publications |
- Chen-Yu Lee, Kuan-Ting Lin, and Guin-Dar Lin, Prototype of a Phonon Laser with Trapped Ions, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023082 (2023).
- Wei-Ju Lin, Yong Lu, Ping-Yi Wen, Yu-Ting Cheng, Ching-Ping Lee, Kuan Ting Lin, Kuan Hsun Chiang, Ming Che Hsieh, Ching-Yeh Chen, Chin-Hsun Chien, Jia Jhan Lin, Jeng-Chung Chen, Yen Hsiang Lin, Chih-Sung Chuu, Franco Nori, Anton Frisk Kockum, Guin Dar Lin, Per Delsing and Io-Chun Hoi, Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform, Nano Lett. 22, 20, 8137–8142 (2022).
- H. H. Jen, G.-D. Lin, and Y.-C. Chen, Resonant dipole-dipole interactions in electromagnetically induced transparency, Phys. Rev. A 105, 063711 (2022).
- Wen-Han Png, Ting Hsu, Tze-Wei Liu, Guin-Dar Lin and Ming-Shien Chang, Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions: An Overview, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine 16, 30–36 (2022).
- Y.-C. Shen and G.-D. Lin, Scalable quantum computing stabilised by optical tweezers on an ion crystal, New Journal of Physics 22, 053032 (2020).
- H. H. Jen, M.-S. Chang, G.-D. Lin, and Y.-C. Chen, Subradiance dynamics in a singly excited chirally coupled atomic chain, Phys. Rev. A 101, 023830 (2020).
- Kuan-Ting Lin, Ting Hsu, Chen-Yu Lee, Io-Chun Hoi, Guin-Dar Lin, Scalable collective Lamb shift of a 1D superconducting qubit array in front of a mirror, Scientific Reports 9, 19175 (2019).
- P. Y. Wen, K.-T. Lin, A. F. Kockum, B. Suri, H. Ian, J. C. Chen, S. Y. Mao, C. C. Chiu, P. Delsing, F. Nori, G.-D. Lin, and I.-C. Hoi, Large collective Lamb shift of two distant superconducting artificial atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 233602 (2019).
- Yen-Yu Lai, Guin-Dar Lin, Jason Twamley, and Hsi-Sheng Goan, Single-nitrogen-vacancy-center quantum memory for a superconducting flux qubit mediated by a ferromagnet, Phys. Rev. A 97, 052303 (2018).
- G.-D. Lin and Luming Duan, Sympathetic cooling in a large ion crystal, Quantum Information Processing 15, 5299–5313 (2016).