Name |
Yih-Yuh Chen |
Title |
Distinguished Professor |
Education |
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology (1991) |
Office |
Tel |
E-mail |
yychen@phys.ntu.edu.tw |
Web |
Research |
While linear systems have enjoyed a great deal of attention for many years because powerful tools have been around to facilitate the analysis of their many interesting features, recent years also witness a revived interest in systems exhibiting nonlinear phenomena from investigators in fields as diverse as biological sciences, civil engineering, mathematics and many branches of physical sciences. One reason for this popularity is that the observed features, be they ordered or "chaotic", seem to have been shared to some extent by many of the vastly different systems. One example is the similarity between the animal coat markings and a pattern forming convective cell of fluid mechanics. And, in the "chaotic" case, it turns out that one might even be able to exploit the intrinsic unpredictable characteristics to ones advantage. For instance, sometimes it is possible to synchronize two chaotic systems and use this feature as a potentially secure communication channel. Among the virtually infinite interesting topics, our major focus in recent years has been: stability analysis of fluids, pattern formation in different systems, synchronization of chaotic systems, and finite-size effects of classical and quantum mechanical systems. |
Selected Publications |
- Yih-Yuh Chen, "Boundary Conditions and Linear Analysis of Finite Cell Rayleigh-Benard Convection", J. Fluid Mech. 241 , 549-585 (1992).
- Yih-Yuh Chen and M.C. Cross, "Pattern Formation in Finite Size Non-equilibrium Systems and Models of Morphogenesis", Nonlinearity 7 , 1125-1132 (1994).
- Yih-Yuh Chen, "A multimedia introduction to chaos", Physica A 221 , 314-329 (1995).
- Yih-Yuh Chen, "Masking messages in chaos", Europhys. Lett. (1996), to appear.